English for specific purposes
Bernardez, Edisteo B.- ISBN9789710508327
- publisher
- descriptionviii, 302 pages : illustrations
- Loan PeriodRoom Use Only
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- English grammar: A review : Noun : Classification of nouns : Proper nouns -- Common nouns -- Concrete noun -- Abstract noun -- Collective noun -- Compound noun -- Properties of noun : Number -- Gender -- Case -- Essential uses of nouns : Subject of a verb -- Predicate noun -- Direct object of a verb -- Indirect object of a verb -- Object of a preposition -- An appositive -- Objective complement -- Direct address -- Pronouns : Personal pronouns -- Impersonal pronouns -- Demonstrative pronoun -- Indefinite pronoun -- Relative pronoun -- Reflexive pronoun -- Reciprocal pronoun -- Interrogative pronoun -- Adjectives -- Verbs : Regular verbs -- Irregular verbs -- Transitive verb -- Intransitive verb -- Adverb -- Conjunction -- Coordinating conjunctions -- Subordinating conjunctions -- Correlative conjunctions -- Preposition -- Interjection : Content words -- Function words -- Erroneous Modifiers : Misplaced modifiers -- Squinting modifiers -- Dangling modifiers -- Verbal phrases : Infinitive verbal phrase -- Gerundial verbal phrase -- Participial verbal phrase -- Avoid dangling modifiers : Dangling modifiers -- Erroneous modifiers : Misplaced modifiers -- Squinting modifiers -- Dangling modifiers -- Verbal phrases : Infinitive verbal phrase -- Gerundial verbal phrase -- Participial verbal phrase -- Avoid dangling modifiers -- Linguistic terminologies : Heteronyms -- Homophones -- Homonyms -- Trends in language teaching : Verbal -- Non-verbal -- Stress -- Words which are commonly mispronounced -- List of words usually mispronounced and misspelled -- Lists of words usually misspelled and mispronounced -- Pronunciation : The silent consonants -- Silent B if preceded by M -- Silent B if followed by T -- Silent G, if followed by H, M or N -- Silent H, if immediately followed by R or K -- Other words with silent H -- Silent K if followed by N -- Silent L -- Silent N, if immediately followed by M or N -- Silent P, if followed by N, S or T -- Silent T -- Silent W -- Silent S -- The Kila model : Kila model with four kinds of consideration -- More modern strategies -- Language or communication arts -- Science -- Mathematics -- Social studies -- Story grammar: A structural approach to facilitate comprehension -- Cloze Procedure technique for the improvement of reading comprehension -- Improving comprehension through semantic webbing -- Pronunciation -- The silent consonants -- Silent B if preceded by M -- Silent B if followed by T -- Silent G, if followed by H, M or N -- Silent H, if immediately followed by R or K -- Other words with silent H -- Silent K if followed by N -- Silent L -- Silent N, if immediately followed by M or N -- Silent P, if followed by N, S or T -- Silent T -- Silent W -- Silent S -- Spelling and word structure : Spelling -- Rules on spelling -- What then are to be capitalized? -- Foreign terms adopted as English words -- Vocabulary development : Perliamentary terminologies used in conducting a meeting -- The order of a business meeting -- How to make a motion -- When should a chairman vote? -- How to elect officers -- Permanent officers -- How to keep the records of the organization -- Musical terms -- Mathematical expressions : process of additional -- process of subtraction -- process of multiplication -- process of division -- process of fraction -- Shelters of animals and of other creatures -- Terms used to classify or identity groups of animals or organisms -- Terms used to identify the young of animals/creatures -- The appropriate terms used to approximate the sounds created by animals -- The Layman’s terms used to identify the external parts of the human body -- Terms used in cooking -- Terms used to distinguish the gender of human beings and animals -- The terms used in describing explicitly the five senses : sense of touch -- sense of sight -- Span of time or length of period (Arranged from the shortest to the longest span of period) -- Properties of business correspondence : Parts of the informal letter -- Parts of the formal letter -- Optional parts of a business letter -- Business letter styles : Indented style -- Full blocked style -- Semi-blocked or modified style -- Simplified style -- Hanging style -- Punctuation styles -- The format of the business letter parts : Heading -- Dateline -- Inside address -- Attention line -- Salutation -- Subject line -- Body of the letter -- Complimentary close -- Signature line -- Identification initials line -- Enclosure line -- Carbon copy (c. c.) notation -- Postscript (P. S.) -- Other business letter writing amenities : Stationery -- The envelope -- Letter-folding -- Stamp -- Letter-date -- Appearance of the letter -- Free from errors -- Courtesy -- Format of business letters and other official communications : How may one construct an effective business letter? -- Types of business letters : Letters of inquiries and replies -- letters of requests for information -- Letter of application -- Unsolicited letter of application -- Solicited letter of application -- Application follow-up -- Replies to letter of application -- Employment refusal -- Memorandum -- Another form of a memorandum -- Regional memorandum -- Oral and audio-visual presentations : Tips for the effective use of flip charts -- The liquid crystal display (LCD) -- Tips for the effective use of LCD -- Microsoft word Commands and their shortcuts.