
The sleeping beauty proposal

Strohmeyer, Sarah

When Genie's "commitment-phobic" boyfriend proposes on national TV--not to Genie, but to a mystery woman--her friend Patty doesn't hesitate to give her some tough love: "You remind me of Sleeping Beauty, lying around waiting for your prince. Well, guess what, he rode right past your castle and now you have a choice--either go back to bed or wake up!" Genie chooses to wake up. Her first step is to allow everyone to believe she's Hugh's real fiancée. In a heartbeat, her parents are booking a reception hall while friends are showering her with gifts. Genie feels bad about the deception, but soon she realizes that she never needed a man to start her life--to buy a home or get a better job. And if Prince Charming wants to show up while she's at it, she just might teach him a thing or two.

  • Sta. Lucia Branch


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