
Focus on teaching : approaches, methods, techniques

Garcia, Manuel Buenconsejo

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  • Teaching as a process: Teaching defined -- Teaching as a science and as art -- The how of teaching: Teaching method defined -- Classification of teaching methods -- Guidelines involved in the use of teaching methods -- Some leading teaching: Approach: Discovery approach -- Conceptual approach -- Process approach -- Inquiry approach -- Unified approach -- Common teaching methods: The lecture method -- Outlining technique -- Component technique -- Sequential technique -- Relevance technique -- Transitional technique -- The discussion method: Small group discussion technique -- Socialized classroom discussion technique -- Panel discussion technique -- Direct instruction technique -- Recitation technique -- Interview technique -- Symposium -- The reporting method: Unit or morrison technique -- Individual or group technique -- Reading or storytelling technique -- Schematic technique -- Symposium -- The demonstration method: Teacher-directed technique -- Student-directed technique -- Teacher-student-directed technique -- Resource-speaker-directed technique -- Classroom-tested methods: The activity method: Project technique -- Field trip technique -- Brainstorming technique -- Debate technique -- Dramatization technique -- Role-playing technique -- Simulation-game technique -- The inductive method -- The deductive method -- The integrated method: Lecture-discussion technique -- Demonstration-lecture technique -- Film-showing discussion technique -- Reporting-discussion technique -- Inductive-deductive technique -- Emerging teaching methods: The investigatory method: Laboratory technique -- Problem-solving technique -- Research technique -- Field study technique -- Experimenting technique -- The self-pacing method: Programmed instruction technique -- Modular learning technique -- Self-learning kits and correspondence courses technique -- Mastery learning -- The traditional method: Textbook learning technique -- Rote learning technique -- Directed technique -- Memorization -- 2x4x8 concept of teaching -- Traditional method vs innovative method.