
Philosophy made easy

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  • Philosophy as a field of study: Philosophy and science -- Various perspective about philosophy -- Who are philosophers -- The importance of philosophy -- Philosophy contrasted with other fields of knowledge -- Philosophy and science -- Philosophy and art -- Philosophy and religion -- Philosophy and education: Philosophical fields of study: Cosmology -- Ontology -- Psychology -- Theodicy -- Logic -- Semantics -- Ethics -- Aesthetics -- Philosophical method of investigation -- Induction -- Deduction -- Dialectic -- Analytic method -- Romantic method -- Synoptic method: The theory of knowledge: Theories of knowledge -- The objective theory -- Conception and the conceivable theory -- Other sources of knowledge -- Sense perception -- Intention -- Authority -- The problem of knowledge -- The sophists -- Blind adherance to authority -- Propaganda -- Prejudice -- Fallacies in reasoning -- Contextual fallacies -- Fallacies of reason -- Fallacies of example --Thinking as a process: Man: its nature, development and destiny: Various perspective about man -- Origin -- Essence -- Man is by nature good -- Man as a biological being -- Man as a social and rational being -- Norms of society -- Man: its modern perspective -- Moral assumption of man's nature -- The problem of evil -- The highest good -- Man' search for happiness: Values: Definition of value -- Other concepts related to value -- Value judgement -- Norm -- Value system -- Axiology -- Aesthetics -- The good as value -- General characteristics of values -- Existence of values -- Moral values -- Values education in the school system -- The philosophy of values education: Ethics: Origin and meaning of ethics -- Ethics and fundamental concepts -- Morality -- The human acts -- Knowledge -- Freedom -- Voluntariness -- Modifiers of human acts -- Ignorance -- Concupiscence -- Fear -- Violence -- Habit -- Right -- Reason -- Conscience -- Ethics and law -- Ethics and love -- Ethics and work -- Ethics and family -- Functions of the family -- Sex and ethics -- Birth control and ethics -- Ethics and pre-marital sex -- The problem of relativity and objectivity in ethics -- Classification of ethical theories -- Self-realization -- Utilitarian -- Intuitionism -- Pessimism -- Stoicism -- Epicureanism -- Morality -- Conformity to rules of conduct: Philosophy and religion: The nature of God -- The God of Hebrews -- The God of the Greeks -- The minds of the early Greek thinkers -- The minds of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle -- The minds of the later Greek thinkers -- The Greco-religious thinkers -- The early and medieval Christian thinkers -- The minds of the forerunners of Renaissance -- The minds of Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, and Pascal and the beginning of scientific analysis -- The nature of God in the mind of Spinoza -- The thinking of Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Leibnitz -- The minds of the later German thinkers and Fichte, Schelling, Schliemacher, and Hegel -- The thinking of Comte, Spencer, and Bradley -- The thinking of James and Dewey -- Summary points -- The problem of the nature of God -- Philosophical basis of atheism -- The nature of religion -- Definition of religion -- Functions of religion: Political and social philosophy: State, government, sovereignty, and related concepts -- State -- Government -- Sovereignty -- Nation -- Citizen -- Law -- Origin -- Basis and development of states -- Theoretical basis of state origin -- Divine theory -- Contrast theory -- The nature and instinctive theory -- Patriarchal and matriarchal theory -- Force theory -- Historical as evolutionary theory -- Th evolution and development of the state -- The tribal state -- The oriental empire -- The Greek city state -- The Roman empire state -- The Federal state -- The national state -- The world state -- Elements of state -- People -- Territory -- Government -- Sovereignty -- Functions of the state -- Forms of government -- Monarchy -- Aristocracy -- Government of the few -- Dictatorship -- Democracy -- Political thinkers: their political and social philosophies -- Plato's political and social philosophy -- Aristotle's political and social philosophy -- Karl Marx' political and social philosophy -- Machiavelli's political and social philosophy -- Rousseau's political and social philosophy -- Hobbes political and social philosophy -- Locke's political and social philosophy -- Mill's political and social philosophy -- Kant's political and social philosophy: Classical and contemporary philosophies: Naturalism -- Realism -- Idealism -- Pragmatism -- Experimental method of knowledge -- Philosophy of education vis-a-vis progressive education -- Existentialism: The world's greatest philosophers: Plato's political philosophy -- Aristotle -- Aristotle's Doctrine of the Man -- Socrates -- Hedoism: the philosophy of Epicurus -- Saint Thomas Aquinas -- Saint Augustine -- Confucius -- Lao-tze -- Emmanuel Kant -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Rene Descartes -- Baruch Spinoza -- John Dewey.