QC Libros

Ordinance No.10136 S-1973

Requiring business establishments in quezon city to provide trash cans and to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of their front yard, including the street drainage and sidewalk and providing penalties for violations thereof

  • Collections
    QC Ordinance
  • author
    Estansilao, Alinea Jr.
  • accessioned
    Apr 28, 2016
  • available
    Apr 28, 2016
  • issued
    Oct 1, 1973
  • publisher
    City Council
  • subject
    Ordinance No.10136 S-1973, Requiring business establishments in quezon city to provide trash cans and to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of their front yard, including the street drainage and sidewalk and providing penalties for violations thereof
  • type
10136 s-72.pdf14.5209 MBAdobe PDFSave