Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches
Bernard, Harvey Russell
Main LibraryInvestigating the social world : the process and practice of research
Schutt, Russell K.
Main LibraryResearch methods in social work
Royse, David Daniel
Main LibraryCommunication research in the Philippines : issues and methods
Pernia, Elena E.
Main LibraryNorth Fairview BranchLagro BranchCubao BranchProject 8 BranchPhilippine policies on illicit drugs : history, content, process and outcome
Main LibraryI wonder why countries fly flags : and other questions about people and places
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Bouwmeester, Onno
Available Digitally500 (practically) fat-free pasta recipes
Schlesinger, Sarah
San Isidro Galas BranchEmbracing new perspectives in history, social sciences, and education
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