Showing 10 out of the 15 results
How processed food affects the mood : the link between highly processed foods and brain health
Ultra-processed foods : they are ubiquitous in our diets, but there is growing concern that ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are seriously bad for our health
Watching what you eat : ultra-processed foods can affect the brain
A conversation about healthy eating
Lesica, Nicholas A.
Available DigitallyFood production and processing : fermentation, nutritional value and quality control
Prakash, Mayank
Main LibraryCubao BranchLagro BranchA guide to processed foods: which ones are healthy and what to avoid
Gonzales, Sasha
QC LibrosRisk of premature death seen in consumption of ultra-processed foods
N/A, N/A
QC LibrosHow to suss out everyday ultraprocessed foods
N/A, N/A
QC LibrosHow processed food affects the mood
Wadyka, Sally
QC LibrosWatching what you eat: Ultra-processed foods can affect the brain
QC Libros
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